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Genomics Education Initiative

Mission Statement

The primary mission of the Genomics Education Initiative is to service primary care physicians.

The Initiative provides education and information about:

A secondary mission is to provide similar educational services to other audiences including: medical staff, geneticists, educational institutions, students, and the general public.

Genomics : groundbreaking new tools for clinical medicine ...

What is genomics?
It is a new science that uses cutting edge technology to find genetic patterns specific to individual people. Doctors can use these patterns to learn crucial medical facts about their patients, such as future risk for various diseases, or the ability to respond to certain drugs.

Genomics is just beginning to have an impact on clinical medicine.
But there is much more to come. Genomic tools will soon offer major new benefits to doctors, patients, and the health care system as a whole. These will include:
  • reduced rates of major diseases
  • substantial reductions in the costs of medical care
  • simpler, more convenient diagnostics
  • medical treatment strategies that are custom-fitted to each individual patient.
The goal of the Genomics Education Initiative is to help medical people and the public understand the principles behind genomics so that they can discuss intelligently the benefits and potential pitfalls of genomic diagnostics and other genomic products.

The Genomics Education Initiative ...

  • provides educational services and consulting in:
    • Genetics
    • Genomics
    • DNA-based disease risk tests
  • provides information on risk tests for diseases such as:
    • Heart attack
    • Breast cancer
    • Prostate cancer
    • Type II diabetes